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H. Grisby- iN-E-1 Development

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I have spent over 20 years in the medical device industry which I feel is one of the great equalizers in life. I have had the pleasure of interacting with many HCPs of different races, genders and ages from across the world. I've been asked to present on several stages to tell my story as well as to educate on my profession. I'm at the point of my life now where I want to give back in a more direct manner for young professionals. This is the reason behind iN-E-1 Development.

The goal of the "Initiate, Include,Inspire" presentation is to define who you know you are. Others will inevitable determine their perception of you as you only get one time to make a first impression. That said, the way you present yourself starts with knowing yourself. We each have a unique set of skills that we possess and aim to develop over time. Understanding those skills will allow you to better develop them.

I dare others to be bold and be different. Its easy to blend in and maintain status quo. The ones that are willing to be unique, courageous and strategically controversial will set themselves apart and create opportunities that many never get to realize.

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